↓ 2024年03月08日撮影(第5回保存工事後)
Last year, when my mother passed away, my nephews, nieces, and their children gathered to talk about our family roots.
When I heard my nephews and nieces say, “I didn’t know,” “I heard it for the first time,” and “Thank you for telling me about it,” I was surprised that they didn’t get it across.
In the reaction, My mother said,”After the air raid in Osaka, I returned to my parents’ home over the course of several months,” and my father’s recollection, “He was at the Kure Naval Arsenal and saw the atomic bombing,” received the most reactions.
If my mother had died in the Osaka air raids, or if my father had stayed in Hiroshima instead of Kure, my blood relatives, spouses and relatives would not be here.
War changes people’s destinies.
When I was young, my mother repeatedly told me about the fear of air raids. In the end, she always said, “I definitely don’t want my children to feel that way. ”
On the other hand, my father never talks about war. He was 20 years old at the end of the war, so he was not drafted into the military, but he probably had some war experience, but he didn’t talk about it.
I heard from my aunt on my father’s side that I was mobilized to the Kure Naval Arsenal and that my father had seen the atomic bombing, and I have no recollection of hearing it from my father himself.
However, when he drinks heavily, he repeats, “I used to be the military police non-commissioned officer.” I thought it was strange because I had no experience in the military, but according to the aunt I mentioned earlier, I heard that “it seems that I was bullied by the military police”, so that may be the trauma.
The story of my maternal uncle who died in the battle as a volunteer soldier in his late teens left a stronger impression on me than my parents’ war experience.
He was two years younger than my mother, who was 20 at the end of the war, so naturally he was underage. As a hot-blooded young man at the time, he applied for the navy volunteers.
At my mother’s parents’ house, there was a portrait of my uncle wearing a sailor’s uniform and saluting with a warship and the Rising Sun flag in the background.
A young man with a face resembling his mother and relatives was a handsome boy.
I would like to record the following as a story my mother heard from her parents (my grandparents).
It is not hard to imagine how difficult it must have been to go from the mountains of southern Kishu, where Kumano Shugendo and Kumano Kodo traverse, to Kure in Hiroshima, just before the end of the war.
My grandparents clung to the joints of the packed train and headed all the way to Hiroshima.
It is unknown how he raised the money or how he arranged the tickets, but he traveled from his home to the nearest train station, through mountains and valleys.
which takes a day to walk across to the nearest train station。
At that time, the Kisei Main Line was not fully open, so it went through Wakayama.
According to the current route, it is 629km from Kumanoshi Station to Kure Station, and the boarding time (local train only) is 13 hours. Even with the current timetable, it takes 21 hours to arrive (by regular train).
At the end of the Pacific War, it would have taken several days to move.
why did the grandparents go that far to see the third youngest of the eight siblings?
My uncle died in action on April 7, 1945. We know where he died, but like many other crew members, his whereabouts remain unknown.
It is said that the ship on board was the battleship Yamato, but I have no way of confirming that.
However, it was enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine in Kudan, and when my mother was still in good health, my younger brother accompanied me to the shrine and told me that “(my uncle’s) name was in the names of the war dead.”
The only places where my uncle’s name still remains today are on memorial tablets, gravestones, and Yasukuni Shrine.
When my grandparents traveled all the way to see him, what appeared in front of grandparents was a son who had been working in the engine department and had lost all his hair. It is said that he was in charge of the boiler at the bottom of the battleship.
That’s all the story my mother told me from my parents.
my mother hesitated to ask about the details. She said that when she heard about her brother, his parents looked sad and distressed.
If my uncle really was on the battleship Yamato like my grandparents said, I would know by looking at the date of his death on the back of the mortuary tablet, but now that doesn’t even come true.
If he had been on board, it is presumed that he would have been trapped inside the ship along with about 1,200 of the 3,332 crew members who were working in the lower part of the ship.
The story that the order to evacuate was issued after the ship had listed, and the crew at the bottom could not evacuate .
(There are 276 survivors.)
Even if you boarded another battleship, it would be difficult to escape if it was sunk if it was an engine department.
My uncle died when he was a teenager.
My wife’s family also has a war dead.
My wife’s maternal grandfather died in Okinawa. Her mother has visited Okinawa several times, and when I happened to be accompanied by my wife, I was able to confirm for the first time my grandfather’s name engraved on the cornerstone of peace.
After returning home, my wife told me about her mother tracing the inscription with her hand. It is said that the mother adored her father.
There are many fathers and their families across the country who died in the “rain of bombs” in places surrounded by sugar cane fields, leaving young children behind. Although,now I can only imagine, if I replace it with myself…………。
The lost future of an uncle who died volunteering for war as a teenager.
The thoughts of grandparents who had to meet their beloved child for the last time. My mother’s fear of air raids, and my father’s sighting of an atomic bomb. The grief of my grandfather-in-law who died in battle in Okinawa, leaving a young child behind.
There are people all over Japan who have had similar experiences and who have had the same thoughts.
Or, the people of the opposing countries also have lost futures and sorrowful families.
Conflicts continue in the world today.
Calamity befalls the common people.
Record what I remember every August 15th.
Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil.
(Memorial Monument for Hiroshima, City of Peace.)
May everyone live in peace
May peace be with you.